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Our Story

When I graduated, I thought I had it all figured out.

I was smart and had four years of training in becoming a successful business person.

Yeah, right.

It took less than a month for me to realize that four years of college had done nothing to prepare me for the business world. No one in the business world asks you to write a 20-page research paper on now business ethics could have impacted some of the most infamous scandals of our lifetimes.

So there I was.

Student loan debt accruing interest. No promising prospects for a job I would actually enjoy, let alone one that would help me achieve my financial goals.

And what’s worse…none of my professors told me about the importance of networking, projections or consumer demand.

Luckily, after a few months of floundering and trying to find my way, I met Rod.

Rod was a multi-million dollar business owner. I’d like to think he saw my potential, and that’s why he hired me to be a newbie sales associate. In reality, I was probably the best pick out of a pool of bad candidates.

Anyway, flash forward a few months and Rod took me under his wing. He showed me the ropes of starting, promoting and managing a business.

And you know the craziest part?

Rod wasn’t even threatened that I would take what he taught me and create my own business.

In fact, Rod encouraged me to channel my passion into a business of my own.

Rod’s mindset is that if you help other people, they’ll help you. And I’ve had the opportunity to do that several times. Rod and I don’t operate businesses in the same industries, but we’ve been able to leverage our customer bases to help each other out on more than one occasion.

And that’s why I started the Millionaire High School. I’ve seen first-hand that if you help people, they’ll help you.

That’s what I want to do.

I want to help you channel your passion into a sustainable business.

I’ve found that it doesn’t really matter what industry you’re business is in…all businesses follow the same basic principles on the road to success.

Rod and I, along with many of our millionaire peers have developed a roadmap to help you identify your passions, develop a business plan, launch and promote that business, and manage it profitably for years and year to come.

I’d love for you to join Rod, myself and the other mentors and members of the Millionaire High School.

Our Training Program

At The Millionaire High School, we believe in the importance of establishing a stable foundation for your business.

Before you begin to build your dream, we want to provide you with the ideas, thoughts, processes and blueprints for developing, launching and managing a multi-million dollar business.

To start your journey off on the right foot, you’ll complete our eight part training series.

Each module covers a vital aspect of developing a sustainable business:

Mindset – Every one of our millionaires will tell you that the key to their success is mindset. Your mindset determines your success, and you must have your though processes aligned before you can begin implementing the other steps.

Ideas – This module will help you brainstorm ideas. We’ll help you decipher the truly great ideas with potential from the get rich quick schemes that routinely cause financial ruin.

Processes – Your idea is the starting point of your journey. But even the best idea is worthless without a targeted process of implementation.

Online Presence – Online businesses aren’t the only potentially profitable models, but having an online presence is vital to becoming a major player in the business world.

Marketing – An overly broad term, this module breaks down best practices for cost-effective marketing approaches. Hell…some of the marketing strategies we cover are FREE!

Scaling – Most businesses won’t start out making a million dollars in the first week. If yours did, could you meet the demand of a million dollars in orders or services? In this module we’ll teach you how to effectively scale your business, and meet that one million dollar threshold quickly and strategically.

Finance – I can’t tell you how many entrepreneurs I’ve talk to that said they had no knowledge of finance or accounting practices before they launched their businesses. And in most cases, these entrepreneurs lost every dime they didn’t know how to properly allocate revenue and anticipate expenses.

Success Stories – One of the hardest hurdles to cross when starting your own business is wrapping your mind around the fact that people JUST LIKE YOU have created multi-million dollar businesses. They aren’t smarter, more connected or more dedicated than you. They simply established a winning strategy that enabled them to launch profitable businesses. We’ll give you specific examples of these businesses and teach you how to replicate these business models to ensure your future success. This module is at the end of the training, because you will have to change the way you think before you’re ready to replicate successful business models.

After you complete the eight modules, you will join our Millionaire Community free for your lifetime!

That’s right, you’ll be able to join in discussions with your peers and with millionaires who started out just like you!

Learn from others successes and experiences, ask questions and get feedback from millionaire entrepreneurs, and more!

Our forums are filled with hard working business men and women who help each other with questions and ideas.

You will find that our community is an invaluable asset.

So what are you waiting for? Register today!

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Listen to what others, just like you, are saying about our training system!

"This is The Best Online Business Training To Date!"

- Robert Garbell, Garbell Ltd

"I Made $1,357 Last Week Using The Principles taught here!"

- Russell Crownig, RSdotCom Ltd

"This Training's Really Been a Life-Changing Experience for Me . Nicely Done!"

- Joy Cyrus, JLink Ltd