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Ten years ago, two young men graduated from the same university. Very similar in terms of intellect and interests, these above average students had a lot of friends, and had big dreams of promising careers as entrepreneurs.

When the men reunited at their 10 year reunion, they found that they were still strikingly similar. Both were happily married with children. Both had pursued their dream of launching their own businesses.

But there was one striking difference.

One of the men was the owner of a hugely successful, multi-million dollar internet business, while the other owned a struggling technology company.

So what made the difference?

I have often asked myself that question.

You see, I’m the owner of the internet business in this scenario. And my friend, Jay, is on the brink of financial failure.

So why did I find success, and he didn’t?

Intelligence, talent and dedication don’t always make the difference. And it isn’t that I wanted the success more than my friend, or that I worked harder to achieve it.

The key difference between Jay and myself lies in what we know and how we made use of that knowledge.

Contrary to what you might think, and what you have been telling yourself, it’s not complicated to start a business and make money. You don’t have to have a killer idea, or even thousands of dollars in start-up capital.

At the end of the day, launching a successful business is about finding a problem people have, and fixing it for them.

Easier said than done, right?

Actually, it isn’t.

The problem is that we don’t learn how to launch a successful business in school. And we certainly haven’t been taught the process of developing a strategic plan for growing a multi-million dollar operation.

It’s frustrating to think that people – just like you and me – have wasted thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of time studying information they can’t use in the real business world.

That’s why you hear so many stories about millionaires that were college drop-outs.

It’s not the fact that they dropped out of college that made their stories so compelling, it’s the fact that they have taught themselves the fundamentals of launching and growing a business that yields millions of dollars of profit annually.

The truth is, self-made millionaires like myself and other successful entrepreneurs have developed similar strategies for launching hugely profitable businesses.

I was fortunate enough to have a mentor that taught me how to start, grow and manage a very successful business.

And now I’m paying it forward.

I’m launching The Millionaire High School because I wanted to provide hard-working, dedicated entrepreneurs like my friend, Jay, with the blueprint for launching and maintaining profitable businesses.

The Millionaire High School is a community – almost a family – of like-minded people who want to change their lives and help others do the same.

After you join The Millionaire High School, I will provide you with step-by-step training to make sure you’re familiar with the techniques and terminology we’ll use to help you launch your own business.

To ensure you have all the tools you need to success, The Millionaire High School provides:

Mentorship to help you identify a need, develop an idea and assess your concept for potential profitability.
Resources, including ebooks and videos, to help you stay motivated and expand your business acumen
Quality online training on exactly how to start your very own million dollar business. If you’re like the many, many other budding entrepreneurs I’ve talked to, you’ve vowed not to spend another dime on a training course that gives vague concepts and strategies, but fail to give you concrete steps on how to make success happen. The Millionaire High School provides DETAILED information, based on case studies and feedback from real self-made millionaires. We will hold your hand and help you replicate their success.
Quick turn-key solutions to start your successful business in a matter of weeks. After completing the course, and working through our mentorship program you will have a blueprint that guides you through the steps to launching and managing your very own profitable business. The business is yours. The income is yours. And our mentors and community are available 24/7 to help you with questions as they arise.
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Before you decide to join our community, (and I hope you will!) please be aware that our Golden Rule is SOLIDARITY. We have created a safe, sharing community in which each member is committed to helping others generate winning concepts and sustainable business strategies.

Benefiting from the successes and failures of our mentors is great, but having a community of diverse business men and women is invaluable! The Millionaire High School is filled with trained, successful entrepreneurs who are eager to help other avoid their mistakes, and learn from their successes.

And you will be a part of it all…for a lifetime!

That’s right. After you join The Millionaire High School, you are a member for life.

And best of all…it’s ABSOLUTELY FREE! No monthly membership fees. After completing your initial training, you won’t be charged a penny for the community and mentorship features of The Millionaire High School.

You will have access to The Millionaire High School as soon as you complete your initial training program.

Join the Millionaire High School Community

So what does this training include?

Our six week program is broken up into eight modules which include video training session from real self-made millionaires. You can complete the training at your own pace but you will only be able to complete five lectures per week. We want you to get the most out of the training, and be able to digest all the information in each module, before you move on to the next one.

We understand you’re anxious to launch your revenue generating machine, but it’s important to maintain physical and mental balance in order to successfully implement the strategies we’ll be teaching.

The eight modules cover:

Mindset – Every one of our millionaire will tell you that the key to their success is mindset. Your mindset determines your success, and you must have your though processes aligned before you can begin implementing the other steps.

Ideas – This module will help you brainstorm ideas. We’ll help you decipher the truly great ideas with potential from the get rich quick schemes that routinely cause financial ruin.

Processes – Your idea is the starting point of your journey. But even the best idea is worthless without a targeted process of implementation.

Online Presence – Online businesses aren’t the only potentially profitable models, but having an online presence is vital to becoming a major player in the business world.

Marketing – An overly broad term, this module breaks down best practices for cost-effective marketing approaches. Hell…some of the marketing strategies we cover are FREE!

Scaling – Most businesses won’t start out making a million dollars in the first week. If yours did, could you meet the demand of a million dollars in orders or services? In this module we’ll teach you how to effectively scale your business, and meet that one million dollar threshold quickly and strategically.

Finance – I can’t tell you how many entrepreneurs I’ve talk to that said they had no knowledge of finance or accounting practices before they launched their businesses. And in most cases, these entrepreneurs lost every dime they didn’t know how to properly allocate revenue and anticipate expenses.

Success Stories – One of the hardest hurdles to cross when starting your own business is wrapping your mind around the fact that people JUST LIKE YOU have created multi-million dollar businesses. They aren’t smarter, more connected or more dedicated than you. They simply established a winning strategy that enabled them to launch profitable businesses. We’ll give you specific examples of these businesses and teach you how to replicate these business models to ensure your future success. This module is at the end of the training, because you will have to change the way you think before you’re ready to replicate successful business models.

Join the Millionaire High School Community

So are you ready to change your life, discover and learn the secrets of successful millionaires?

I want to invite you to join our next training, which begins April 1, 2014. We only accept a limited number of attendees so that we can provide the time and attention you will need to develop and launch a successful business.

Now is the time to reserve your “seat” and become the millionaire you’ve always wanted to be!

I’m sure you can think of hundreds of ways you’ll spend your millions. When I made my first million, I paid off my debt, bought an exotic sports car and purchased my dream home. But the thing I enjoyed most was seeing the look on my mother’s face when I paid off her mortgage.

So whether you’re dreaming of an extravagant purchase, the swell of relief that comes from being 100% debt-free, or the thrill of travelling the world, the first step toward that reality is taking charge of your own destiny.

Stop thinking about how much you want your dream life, and start planning to make it happen.

Joining the The Millionaire High School is a great first step in changing your life, and making you the successful entrepreneur you can be!

Don’t wait. Registration is limited, and our April course starts soon!

Register for the MHS training

Don’t delay! There are only 25 18 spots left.

Talk soon,
The Millionaire High School Team

Here's What To Do Next...

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Listen to what others, just like you, are saying about our training system!

"This is The Best Online Business Training To Date!"

- Robert Garbell, Garbell Ltd

"I Made $1,357 Last Week Using The Principles taught here!"

- Russell Crownig, RSdotCom Ltd

"This Training's Really Been a Life-Changing Experience for Me . Nicely Done!"

- Joy Cyrus, JLink Ltd